New Milford, CT 06776
Deer Pond Farm in Sherman has approximately 850 acres with 15 miles of hiking trails open to the public daily dawn to dusk. Weekly guided programs are offered throughout the year on various nature themes.
There is diverse geology, habitats, flora and fauna to observe. Over 100 species of birds and numerous other wildlife species have been documented here. We have a well-established pollinator garden and many other habitat enhancement areas along our trails.
Founded in 1898, the Connecticut Audubon Society operates nature facilities in Fairfield, Milford, Pomfret, Sherman, Old Lyme, and an EcoTravel office in Essex. Connecticut Audubon manages 20 wildlife sanctuaries encompassing almost 3,300 acres of open space in Connecticut, and educates over 100,000 children and adults annually. Connecticut Audubon is an independent organization, not affiliated with any national or governmental group.
The Connecticut Audubon Society’s staff, volunteers and scientific vendors work to preserve birds, other wildlife and their environments in Connecticut. No dogs, horses, fishing camping, fires or collecting permitted at our sanctuaries. Our work includes sanctuary management, advocacy, environmental education and activities at our centers and with partnering land owners.
Come visit us!
The 192 acre Center offers year-round programs including; school field trips, pre-school enrichment, summer camp, scout advancement, and weekend events. Hiking trails cross meadows, the East Aspetuck River, and climb New Milford’s second highest point, Mount Tom. Farm animals include sheep, chickens and ducks. The Center is staffed by full time educators and naturalists ready to assist you with your program needs and nature related questions.
Hours: M-F, 9 to 4 & on weekends for special events. Call for details.
Trails: Open sunrise to sunset year-round.
Closed: Most holidays.
New Milford, CT 06776