Our mission is the preservation of life, limb and property. We are everyday people who volunteer to provide emergency services for the town of Kent.
Kent, CT 06757
Since 1929 the New Milford Community Ambulance Corp. has been committed to providing the highest quality emergency medical services available to the community we serve.
Our members (your neighbors) strive to meet the ever-changing nature of healthcare, emergency services, and public safety through continuous training, incorporation of new technologies, and interagency cooperation.
Through effective planning, staffing, and resourcing, we provide the leadership, EMS management, and services necessary to fulfill our commitment to the community we serve, while assisting neighbors as requested.
We continue to do this in a fiscally responsible manner and with the professionalism expected from those we serve.
By doing so, we are an integral and irreplaceable component of the Town of New Milford.
New Milford, CT, 06776
We are a volunteer fire department located in the Northville district of New Milford, CT. A group of dedicated men and women, we serve the immediate residents of Northville but readily respond to requests for mutual aid to surrounding towns.
New Milford, CT 06776
The Sherman Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer organization providing fire fighting and ambulance services for the residents of Sherman. The Town also participates in a paramedic intercept program that deploys a paramedic to the scene when warranted by the victim’s symptoms.
Sherman, CT 06784
The Gaylordsville Volunteer Fire Department (GVFD) is a volunteer fire department serving the community of Gaylordsville in New Milford, Connecticut. As with many volunteer fire departments, the GVFD plays a crucial role in providing fire protection, emergency medical services, and other rescue operations to the local area.
Fire department members come from all walks of life and share a common interest – to help their fellow neighbors when crisis strikes. There are many different tasks that need to be performed in our department. If you are willing to give us some of your time, we have an assignment for you within the fire department.
If you are interested in joining the Gaylordsville Volunteer Fire Department or would like more information, call 860-354-6396, or stop in and talk to any of the volunteer firefighters. General meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 8 pm and work sessions are held on Thursday evenings at 7 pm at the firehouse.
Gaylordsville, CT 06755
After a disastrous fire in 1860, a group of citizens met for the purpose of procuring an engine and other equipment necessary to protect the center of town.
Some sixty men subscribed to this organization and a collection of $1195 made it possible to purchase an engine and 200 feet of hose.
On August 1, 1863 the by-laws of the Association were adopted and the first tax was levied in January of 1864. Land was purchased on Railroad Street and the firehouse was constructed at a cost of $900.
In April of 1874 the Association requested the New Milford Water Company to install lines and hydrants within the district.
In 1876, a new hose cart and hose were purchased and the Engine House was from this date known as the Hose House.
In early 1883 larger quarters were needed and the Association purchased a site on Church Street and its construction was completed in 1890.
In 1891 the Directors gave the Hose Company permission to use the fire equipment "outside of its district", and continues this practice to this day.
After the major fire of 1902, the Association requested the New Milford Water Company to increase its mains to "supply adequate pressure to the hydrants" and a twelve inch line was installed through the business areas.
In April of 1916 the Association purchased its first automotive fire truck and served the community until it was retired and sold in 1935.
In March of 1923, an American LaFrance combination pumper and hose cart was purchased and remained in service until 1952.
In January of 1926, the present Air Whistle Alarm System was installed and controlled by the operators of the Southern New England Telephone Company.
In May of 1941, the Association purchased one of the most modern pieces of fire equipment to be seen anywhere in this area - a combination pumper, hose and ladder truck.
In 1956, all mobile units were equipped with radio and a control station was places at the Hose House.
In this same year, the need for larger and more modern quarter became evident and property on Grove Street was purchased.
The present firehouse was completed in 1960 featuring a meeting room upstairs and five truck bays with a sixth added in 1986.
In 1980 the town built a four-bay substation in the Lanesville district substantially improving the fire protection for the southern part of New Milford. In the late 1990's, three more bays were added bringing the total number of bays to seven.
In the late 1980's, three more bays were added to the back of the Grove Street firehouse.
In 1989, Water Witch Hose Co. #2 took delivery of their 102-foot aerial ladder truck.
New Milford, CT 06776
Incorporated as a volunteer organization in 1948, the RVFD provides 24hr. emergency response to Roxbury's firefighting, hazardous material and rescue needs.
Roxbury, CT 06783
The Washington Volunteer Fire Department was organized in 1926 with one truck, one building and forty-three charter members.
Today the department has grown to nine pieces of apparatus working out of two stations and sixty active members. Working under a Chief, two Assistant Chiefs, Captain, and two Lieutenants, we are an all-volunteer department providing fire protection and first responder capabilities for the 4,000 residents of Washington, Washington Depot, Marbledale, New Preston, and Woodville, an area of 38.7 square miles.
Washington Depot, CT. 06794
Our Mission
To provide support to the town during emergencies and planned events, assist first responders, and disseminate disaster preparedness information to the community.
What is CERT
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a volunteer organization that trains individuals to help themselves, and their communities during emergency situations.
CERT is a national program within the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
There are over 2700 CERT's in communities across all 50 states with over 600,000 trained volunteers.
John Pettibone Community Center
2 Pickett District Rd
New Milford, CT 06776