
Business Category
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Fax
Business Address
19 Main Street 06776
Bellucci Bookkeeping & Accounting Management, LLC - Logo
Business Category
Providing small to mid-sized business accounting and bookkeeping services in the area.

We provide accounting and bookkeeping services to local small and mid-sized businesses in the area. From bookkeeping to tax readiness for your CPA, or from Quickbooks assistance to long term financial planning - give us a call today to understand how our services can best fit your needs. Business owners should have a clear understanding of their finances 'year-round' to make the best decisions for their company. When we partner with you, this becomes possible - think of us as your own finance department. Give us a shout!

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(845) 656-0662
Business Contact Name
John Bellucci
Business Contact Email
Business Address
8002 Heartwood Lane, Danbury, CT
Business Name
Business Category
We are a small tax & accounting firm providing outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to professionalism, responsiveness and quality. With over 35 years in business serving western Connecticut, we are acutely aware of the challenges of trying to keep pace with ever-changing regulations while growing a business or investing in your family's future. We work together to insure that our clients receive the best of all of us, and, as a result, client referrals have fueled our growth in recent years. We are committed to continuing to provide our existing clients with the high level of service to which they have become accustomed, and we welcome opportunities to share our energy and abilities with new clients.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Fax
Business Contact Name
Daniel J. Malkin
Business Contact Email
Business Address
461 Danbury Road, Suite 3
New Milford, CT
Business Category
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(860) 354-4150
Business Fax
(860) 354-0387
Business Address
5 Booth House Lane
New Milford, CT
Business Name
Business Category
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
12 Aspetuck Ave.
New Milford, CT